How to Delete an App on iOS? (or: how to delete MaxiCalc Free after purchasing MaxiCalc Pro?)

You tried MaxiCalc Free and then decided to buy MaxiCalc Pro… so, you don’t need the first one anymore*. Uninstalling an app is very easy. Watch the following video – it also shows you how to later reorganize/move icons to the desired place.

*Important: when you delete MaxiCalc Free, the calculation tapes will also be erased. Tapes stored in MaxiCalc Free are completely separated from the tapes created in MaxiCalc Pro.

(1min 50sec) Video in english, closed captions in various languages (you must activate)

To see the video directly in the YouTube App/Website:

“I want to completely delete, uninstall the App… not just remove its icon”

When you delete the ‘icon’, as shown in the video, you are REALLY deleting the App. iOS is different from Windows (where icons in the desktop were only shortcuts). In the iPhone/iPad/iPodTouch, when you delete the ‘icon’ you are actually uninstalling/erasing the App from your device – and all the associated data. Also, ‘data’ (like: documents or photos) created inside that app are also erased (unless there is a ‘server/cloud’ feature the developer explicitly provides to keep them for you). Once more: when you delete MaxiCalc, you also delete the calculation tapes (history).

“I would prefer some deleted apps NOT to apear in the ‘Purchased’ section”

You can hide individual purchased items – but you’ll need to use iTunes in the computer: